Ancient Fables

A few thousand years ago a man went traveling through a rough country with no roads, or paths, or any evidence that any people had been there before him; suddenly he encountered Veritas. Startled the man asked “Venerable lady why do you live in this wilderness far from the company of people?” Veritas replied “Among the people of old, lies were found among only a few, but now they have spread throughout all of human society!”

How Truth came to be naked … Truth and Falsehood went for a swim and a bath in cool waters one hot Summer day thousands of years ago. Falsehood emerged from the water first and dressed in Truth’s clothing. When Truth came out of the waters she found her clothing gone; refusing to wear clothing that did not belong to her she went naked from that day on …

In the time of Rome’s Empire Veritas was thought to hide in a Holy Well

 … Truth seemed rare, not commonly found, yet sacred …

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